By Liz Norris, Master Trainer
AKC-CGC Instructor and Therapy Evaluator
Pawsibilities Unleashed
Pet Therapy of Kentucky, Inc.
...When we train a starter pup for our diabetic or seizures, the donation fee is $5,000.00 which is a reasonable amount for most people to afford and we can make it this affordable by putting the beginner training on the pups and teaching the owners how to do it from there. Keeps the expense down and they learn how much work is involved. Do you think this is foreseeable with producing Trimethylaminuria Service Dogs? Do you think there will be a demand for them? I think once people realize that they can get this help, there will be a core amount of folks that would definitely want this type of help.
I am very excited about this prospect and the more I research it, the more excited I am. We/Kentucky Labs have a litter of service dog pups coming up. I would highly recommend one from that litter.
We breed with Cheryl Moore who has lines going back to Westminster show ring and they have been excellent to train for diabetic and seizure work. We have no failures. 100% as of today!
Would you [MeBO] want to be part of this and do a joint project with us? I have some ideas I would be willing to toss around with your organization. Maybe your friend would want to be the "test subject":)
This is just so neat. What a great new avenue to use service dogs and help so many other people. I would love to do a sit down with you/your interested bunch and tell you how scent work with dogs happens and show you the potential. Lets us do as test subject ASAP.
Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 4:39 PM
MeBO Research
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