Hey there. Nice of y'all to come. I’m Dray and I'm from Kentucky; I'm learnin' to be a TMAU Service Dog.
I’m with a new family now who loves to play the most funnest games ever, especially Charley. She wants me to smell the daggonest stinkiest things; and then she likes to play hide and seek with 'em too! I must tell ya, my favorite is when I track down those kids past the barn. I just love lickin' their sweat off when I find em, and they worked up a good one runnin' around with me in the blazin' sun. I reckon I’ve entered into Dog’s Utopia or somethin'!
Whilst most humans love to wash off odors, not mine. Charley, she just socks 'em to me, and then tells me, “Go find it”. Off I go to find it with my out-of-control tail followin' me. And when I get a good whiff and let her know I found it, lo and behold, she tells me how great I am! Go figure! I just reckon I’ve died and gone to heaven...Yes siree! That's what I've done.
MeBO Research
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